Saturday, February 16, 2013

Celebrating Valentine's Day

We have started a ritual of lighting candles with dinner. It creates a nice ambience, and Ezra looks forward to it and will remind us if we've forgotten to light them. This tradition, as cozy as it sounds, really started out of necessity. It would be nice to think it was a deliberate attempt to incorporate a new ritual around food, but no. Our overhead lights are burned out, and in the dead of winter our house was too dark even with the wall sconces on. We can’t replace the bulbs in our overhead lights without renting a 12-foot ladder, something we can’t do without help. (We have very high ceilings – guests, please, do not look at our ceiling fans ever as I am sure they are growing things).

Since we are burning candles in our candelabrum every evening, it's practically impossible not to get some wax on the table. Thus, it follows that, every evening (literally, every evening), Garry will make a comment about how we need a candle snuffer. Okay, good, I can do this! For Valentine's Day I got him this candle snuffer,

Nothing says "I love you" like a slightly deranged, big-toothed, ceramic rabbit whose butt puts out fires. It’s even holding a heart! It's PERFECT.

This gift may solidify my reputation as the worst gift-giver ever.

When Garry and I were a couple, we didn’t pay much attention to Valentine’s Day. Now that we’re a family of three, we’ve taken care to observe holidays, including ones that we didn’t care for before. Routine is important for children, and while Ezra doesn’t quite yet grasp the length of a year, he fondly talks about past annual holidays like Halloween, Christmas, birthdays, and now Valentine’s Day. Soon he will associate these days with specific seasons and know they are important days that happen once a year. For now, he believes they can happen at any moment. In the car today, he mentioned “maybe, we can go to Grandma Sandy’s for Christmas next week.”

To celebrate Valentine’s Day, we made crepes, both savory and sweet, and opened small gifts. Over dinner we talked about Ezra’s valentine exchange at school and about our love for each other.

Garry’s candle snuffer is quickly becoming the closing part of our dinner routine. Last night Ezra instructed, “Rabbit, dinner is done. Put out the candles with your bottom now.”  I’m honestly really happy with this candles snuffer, and I hope Garry is too. I ordered it from Barry Gregg Clayworks and there are lots of cute little ceramics in his Etsy shop.

I hope all of you enjoyed your Valentine’s Day. What are some of your traditions for this holiday? Are there routines and rituals you enjoy with your loved ones?

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