Monday, August 15, 2011

The Phantom Menace Unmasked?

According to our last town meeting agenda, how to deal with our “town menace” was one of the main topics of discussion. I missed the meeting and therefore the briefing on this threat. Discovering whom or what is menacing our quiet, little town has been my mission for the last week, and I have been asking fellow townspeople what they knew.  Mostly what I learned is that nobody attends the town meeting. The fact that we even read the agenda put us in the informed minority.

After mentioning the menace to a couple of neighbors they too became intrigued.  Like the “pesky kids” of the Scooby gang, we set out to unmask the menace.  This is what we discovered.  The perilous entity and horrific danger that is threatening our town is . . .

a man with a metal detector who has been frequenting our parks.

He is digging small holes looking for lost treasures.  Our threat is a human mole. I admit when Piper and I see him and his shovel on our walks we do become aggravated by his destruction and rudeness, but as Amanda points out he seems more like a “town nuisance” than “town menace.”   I am reducing our town alert warning from red to yellow. 

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