Thursday, November 28, 2013

Fall drink: Sparkling apple cider sangria

When selecting our fall drink, Thanksgiving was on our mind. We meticulously plan our Thanksgiving food menu in advance, but drinks are always an afterthought. We always default to wine, beer and bourbon. I’m not complaining. Those are all enjoyable beverages, but I wanted to try something a little more festive this year.

Sparkling cider sangria was exactly what I had in mind. Adapting a typically summer drink with fall flavors, such as apple, seemed like a welcome way to transition to the cold months ahead, and the sparkling wine adds a nice celebratory feel, which is perfect for a holiday or special occasion.

A modified, non-alcoholic version of the drink is easy to make for guests not consuming alcohol -  the pregnant host, for example (sorry, Amanda). Just replace the wine with sparkling water, and omit the cognac.

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