Saturday, August 15, 2009

Is It Bigger Than a Bread Box?

We, or more accurately our baby, has a pediatrician. We had a consultation with a local baby doctor the other day. This is in and of itself not too interesting, but it does touch on another issue Garry and I have been talking about recently. The question of infant size or more accurately our complete unawareness of how small babies really are. I’m not quite imagining a toddler springing from my womb, but when I think about parenting and raising our child I tend to visualize the toddler years. This probably comes from previous experience. I’ve been around very few babies and am much more familiar with toddlers. Garry’s mom purchased a high chair for us, we put it together, and I still can’t believe how small it is. At the consultation with our baby’s future pediatrician there were two newly born babies (one a homebirth baby!) and they were tiny, tinier than I would have imagined. Of course I don’t want our baby to be too big as it will be coming out the birth canal hopefully, but I told Garry he’d have to hold it until it was bigger because I’m worried about dropping it. I expect I'm going to have a steep learning curve the first couple days.

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