Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Mysteries of the Sex

I did an informal survey at my most recent prenatal yoga class. Whereas most statistics suggest that 50-60% of expectant parents learn the sex of their baby, Garry and I have long suspected that a much larger percentage of parents do and that these statistics are dated. I’ve just met so few folks who don’t learn the sex of their child. My survey of twelve women in yoga class (one is me) reveals that 8/10 know the sex of the baby; two mothers were too early into their pregnancy to find out the sex. This is close to our birthing class where I am the only mother of 7 (14%) that does not know the baby’s sex. Of course these are small, non-independent samples (myself and one other woman from the birthing class overlap with yoga), but suggestive that 50-60% is highly inaccurate.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

There are lots of information in this article on natural gender selection.I think that it will help lots of people who are still trying to figure out what to do on this issue.